Episode #40
In this video I tear down a Domino D100+ Industrial Laser Coder!
It has a high speed Galvo Scan head complete with all the amplifiers the drivers and Silicon mirrors, and beautiful Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) F-Theta lens.
There is also a II-VI ZnSe Collimating lens and of course a 15W Synrad Carbon Dioxide Laser, with an unusual wavelength of 9.3 microns!
Is it all scrap, or can it be brought to life? Watch till the end to find out!
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Helium Soak for Laser tubes:
Synrad Metal Laser tube Patent:
Synrad 48 Series User Manual (Includes Schematics!):
XY2-100 Library for Teensy 3.2:
OpenGalvo (OPAL) Library:
CO2 Laser Beam Expanders/Collimators:
0:00 Intro
0:08 Domino 100+ Laser Marking head Overview
0:59 Harting Industrial Connector
1:36 Laser Scan Head
2:39 ZnSe F-Theta Lens & Galvo’s
4:06 Galvo Driver / Amplifier Boards
4:46 Laser Head Teardown Synrad CO2 Laser & Collimating Lens
11:02 Synrad CO2 Laser teardown
14:00 Helium Soak and Laser repair and mystery fault
19:00 Laser scan head hacking XY2-100
21:02 Summary of parts recovered and Collimating Lens
co2 laser
#Industrial #CO2 #Laser #Coder #TEARDOWN #repair #Part