We’re going all in on Laser Everything! The channel, the community, and the services!
►Instant access to all my settings, parameters, exclusive livestreams and MORE:
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►2022 Buying Guide:
Want to be an LE Vendor?
REMEMBER: Currently the LE Marketplace is in a VERY early BETA.
Some features may be not working correctly, broken or MISSING.
We’ll do our best to support vendors and get things setup correctly as time goes on.
UPDATE: 2022.03.04
Hey guys, we’re all moved into our brand new vendor platform. It’s still ***ugly as sin*** but it’s up and technically working well enough for vendors to begin applying for their vendor accounts. If you’d like to sign back up and start readding your products just click the link below. It’s really rough right now and seriously, it looks awful, but the backend looks great and basic product creation should be more or less working. Lots more coming as we go. Will keep you guys updated.
Sign up to become a vendor:
Mactron 80mm Rotary:
Mactron JPT 30w:
Mactron JPT 50w:
Mactron 30w Coherent CO2:
Mactron 5w Inngu UV:
Ruida Red/Black CO2 Laser 100W:
Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2:
NEW Ortur Aufero Laser 1:
Want to mail me something?
Laser Everything
320 N Washington Street
Suite # 104
Rochester, NY 14625
WARNING: Do your own research before purchasing your machine. I have done extensive research before making my purchases and spoken at length with the manufacturers before placing my order to be absolutely sure what I was getting could be imported, would work with my electrical setup and performed the tasks I wanted to perform.
A NOTE: Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future. Settings used in my videos are for machines of my design and wattage, mileage may vary depending on your machine. Always test your settings on your laser before working on items in a professional capacity.
#laserengraving #lasereverything #co2laser
Laser Everything
#I39m #CLOSING #Laser #Engraving #Business