$2000 Chinese Laser Cutter Engraver Co2 60 watt 60w was it worth it?
This is the first in a series that I am putting together all about my Co2 Laser Engraver Cutter I purchased on Ebay
I’ve been asked a lot for the listing to mine e and sadly its no longer available this maybe covid related. but I have grabbed a link to a name bream Orion laser on Amazon that I would rmend it actually has more features than mine and has the most rmended controller
Similar Lasers amazon/shop/chadscustomcreations?listId=3AS04C0BGLQSK&ref=inf_list_own_chadscustomcreations_cp
This episode is all about purchasing, unpacking, setup, and fixing one major problem mine had.
Consider subscribing and clicking the notification bell if you might be interested in laser upgrades, setting up a rotary, or how I use my laser to pay for itself monthly.
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Top Supporter: Kyle Hixson
I use lightburn software for running my laser its very easy and powerful to use
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#Buy #Chinese #Co2 #Laser #Started