The optical fiber laser cutting machine is divided into two steps: piercing and cutting. With the development of transportation industry, the amount of high anti reflective materials such as aluminum alloy is increasing, so how to achieve fast and stable cutting of high anti reflective materials is a problem faced by all laser cutting machine manufacturers.
To achieve fast and stable cutting of high anti reflective materials, the most critical step is “piercing”. The faster the hole is punched, the smaller the impact of high reflection. Therefore, the shorter the drilling time is when cutting high reflection materials, the better. Therefore, a laser beam with small light spot and high energy density at the light spot is required.
Compared with multimode lasers, single-mode lasers have smaller fiber cores, smaller light spots, and higher concentrated energy. They are the best choice for cutting high reflective materials, with the following advantages:
1: The fiber core of single-mode laser is relatively thin, and the beam quality is better than that of multimode laser
2: Single mode laser has high reliability. The more complex multimode laser mode lines are, the higher the damage rate is
3: Single mode lasers are easier to maintain
4: Small size and power saving
Manufacturers that can do multimode lasers may not be able to do single-mode lasers, so single-mode continuous wave lasers are preferred when cutting high reflective materials