Firstly, I saw four arrow direction keys on the panel used to control the direction of laser head movement. Many times, I want the laser head to move to a suitable position, but I don’t know how to move it.
The forward button represents the laser head moving upwards; The backward button represents the downward movement of the laser head; The left button represents the laser head moving to the left, and the right button represents the laser head moving to the right. Of course, you can also choose to move the laser head at 45 ° (backward arrow key) and right arrow key)
2. Menu
Then I saw that there are many functions in the menu. This time, taking the Z-axis as an example, it is used to control the platform’s lifting and lowering, where the right button represents the platform’s lowering and the left button represents the platform’s rising. When the material occupies the space occupied by the material, you can cleverly use the function of the lifting platform in the menu to place the material in a suitable position and facilitate work.
3. File
Here, you can import the file into the machine, adjust the laser head using the above steps, press the positioning key, and then press the border to determine the working range of the machine. Finally, press the start/pause button and the machine starts processing.
4. Reset
Then you see the reset button. When there is an abnormality in the machine, you can directly press the reset button to reset the machine. At this point, you can choose whether to exit the operation panel.
5. Spotting
The click button is mainly used for testing or auxiliary positioning. Many people find optical path deviations or want to test whether the laser head has light, so they can use the click function for testing at this time.
6. Speed
When the laser head sometimes moves very fast or slowly, you should consider it a speed setting issue. The default speed of the laser head panel can be set using the speed keys on the control panel. Adjust to the appropriate speed.
7. Finally, minimum and maximum power
During the processing process, the minimum and maximum processing power of the machine is often set on the machine to ensure that the laser operates within this value and ensure the processing effect.
This completes the operation of the laser cutting machine.