Hey Maker. I’m SO excited to get back into the groove of making videos. Did ya miss me?! 😉
In today’s video I will show you how I create my own digital cut files and make them laser ready. I’m going to keep it simple today and show you how I do this using an ipad, Procreate, and Lightburn. Be sure to check out the notes below because I may have forgotten a few easy tips 😉
Node editing – at 9:45, if you pull the handle on the left that controls your curve down more, it would make the bottom of your curve perfect. If the handles on the left and right of a node make a straight line, the curve will be perfect.
*Pro tip – use the S to automatically smooth the point.
To register for the Summer Creative Retreat or learn more about my Aeon Mira laser and accessories visit www.thatmomwithalaser.co
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DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored video (although, sponsors would be cool because I have three littles and a family to support and care for). But again, it’s not sponsored. I include affiliate links in my description box. This is an easy way for me to continue to create helpful content and share how I create finished products to sell to my customers. I will only ever give my honest opinions, scouts honor! Thanks so much for your support. I love you guys!
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That Mom with a Laser
#Laser #Cut #Files #Procreate #Lightburn