It’s time to show my Mira some love. Today I am taking the day to thoroughly clean my beast of a machine! From the honey comb tray, to the blades, and nozzle, the optics and chiller, I’ll show you how I clean it all. Please keep in mind that the suggestions I make in this video are just that, suggestions. How often you clean your machine will greatly depend on how frequently you are using it. Someone who runs their laser 40 hours a week will certainly need to clean it much more frequently than someone who uses it spare time.
Distilled Water
Totally Awesome (You can also dilute it with water to make it last longer)
Plastic Storage Bin
Plastic Sheeting
Pressure Cleaner (Optional)
Lens Cleaning Kit
Helpful Videos:
– How to Clean Your Laser Mirrors: https://youtu.be/x5BhUMGJJAQ
– How to Clean Your Laser Honeycomb Tray: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1FVF2INNThk&list=PLHchS_xKhmFAqU2fpMkBoDTwRboL3rGhS&index=1
– How to Clean Your Laser Blades: https://youtube.com/watch?v=i0Td7j1jdSs&list=PLHchS_xKhmFAqU2fpMkBoDTwRboL3rGhS&index=3&t=51s
– Want to learn more about my Mira7 Laser? Watch this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KsdW7mp7yMk
– Shopping for a laser? Contact Aeon Laser today and ask them about their preorder specials! Let them know That Mom With A Laser sent ya 😉 https://aeonlaser.us/?ref=momlaser
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co2 laser
#Clean #CO2 #Laser