The MarkTech 30i Portable Laser Engraver is an easy and affordable Handheld solution to perform as a Laser Engraver for
Metal and Plastics.
New MobiLase Technology, this Handheld Laser Engraver with a 30w Fiber Laser Marker and Mobile Windows Computer all in one box. The MarkTech 30i Handheld Laser Marker weighs in at only 26 lbs. perfect in Track and Trace for Manufacturing.
Print Laser Etch / Laser Marking on Metals, Plastics or virtually any other material.
The embedded Laser Engraver Software can be configured for Text, Images, 1D Barcodes and 2D Codes, such as Laser Marking the 2D Datamatrix code or QR Codes.
Partner with the Laser Etching Machine Tech team, to save yourself money on the Best Handheld Laser Engraver.
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