Gweike new model fiber laser cutting machine metal work tool is with the following advantages:
1. Ultra-fast speed perforation with 2.5G acceleration. This makes it cost less time from standby to startup speed, and it can still keep speed when cut complex picture with many acute angles.
2.Plate welding heavy work bed, No deformation in 20 years, suitable for ultra-high power 10,000-watt laser. The increase in weight is very beneficial to the machine cutting speed. For reducing damage to the work bed during laser working, G.WEIKE Innovated the new work bed by adding four slings, and the life span of the fiber laser cutting machine work bed will be doubled. Based on the heavy work bed, this new model LF4020GH is much more professional for high power fiber laser source especially power bigger than 12000 watt.
3. Dedusting and exhaust smoke to meet the standards; environmental protection and non-pollution. 2.The dust is distributed on both sides of the work bed, which is partitioned dust removal, so that the effect of dust removal and exhaust smoke can be achieved thoroughly. Segmented smoke exhaust, more thorough and more environmentally friendly.
4. HD intelligent monitoring system remote alarm, operation without danger.
*Any questions, send to: contactwklaser.com*
*Whatsapp: 86-15153118063*
laser cutting machine
#Gweike #LF4020GH #High #Power #Fiber #Laser #Cutting #Machine #30MM #25MM #20MM #Thick #Carbon #Steel