Laser Surgery: http://day-spa-orlando.com/laser/
Patient undergoing a full face Juvia fractionated CO2 laser skin resurfacing procedure by Thomas Fiala, MD. This was performed with only local topical anesthetic and the patient tolerated the procedure well.
A laser is a single-wavelength source of high-energy coherent light. The high-energy beam of light from a laser can selectively transfer its energy into tissue to treat the skin. They work in cosmetic applications through a process called selective photothermolysis. The wavelength of the light beam, and hence the type of laser used, is chosen so the beam is preferentially absorbed by the target tissue in the skin. This results in a selective targeting of that tissue, without collateral injury to the surrounding normal tissues.
Lasers are used to treat:
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Skin Tightening
Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing
Sun damage
Acne scars
Fine lines
Skin texture irregularities
Pigmented Lesions
Skin Redness
Treat damaged blood vessels
Skin Laxity
Spider Veins
To learn more about plastic surgery and non-surgical medical spa procedures performed by Dr Fiala please visit:
co2 laser
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