Using FreeCAD to create a finger joint box used in a Monport laser cutting machine.
You can get a 6% discount on this Monport laser by going to this URL:
Monport 40W Pro Lightburn-Supported (12" X 8") CO2 Laser Engraver & Cutter with Air Assist
use the discount code: Adventures6
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Octoprint: https://octoprint.org/
Octoremote: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kabacon.octoremote&hl=en_US
Cura: https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura
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PxKeystrokes: https://github.com/Phaiax/PxKeystrokesForScreencasts/
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laser cutting for
#FreeCAD #Laser #cutting #50mm #Box #freecad #lasercuttingmachine #laser #makers