My Patreon – https://patreon/howtodo Hello! In this video I’m making laser engraver CNC machine from two old DVD drives and Arduino nano
More information in the instructables: https://instructables/id/Arduino-CNC-Laser-Enrgaver-From-DVD-Drive/
Buy an engraver on Ali: http://alli.pub/5vqaho
OR on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wkkUwU
Arduino nano on Ali: http://ali.pub/1r4w1d
OR on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2xLTQbE
A4988 step motor drivers on Ali: http://alli.pub/5vqazd
OR on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3qQa5l7
IRFZ44N on Ali: http://ali.pub/1rievf
OR on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2zfHdqA
Laser 405nm 500mw on Ali: http://ali.pub/1r4w95
OR on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3qQ9ShP
Laser 445nm 500mw on Ali: http://alli.pub/5vqb8w
OR on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2yuRBx2
Laser 650nm 150mw on Ali: http://ali.pub/1r4wl7
OR on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2yvWTZf
Firmware GRBL – https://github/gnea/grbl
Laser engraving software – http://lasergrbl/en/
Firmware GRBL – https://github/gnea/grbl
Laser engraving software – http://lasergrbl/en/
3D models – https://thingiverse/thing:2492910
Despite the fact that my English is almost perfect, maybe you could notice a small Eastern European accent, it’s because I’m Russian, and answering the question “why don’t you make videos in both languages?” I actually do, and my Russian channel is here – https://youtube/user/shhitov
(the videos are the same, so for English-speaking viewers it makes no sense to subscribe)
laser engraver
#DIY #Arduino #based #CNC #laser #engraver #DVD #drive