Hello! How do you do? Today I will show me latest build, diy 40w CO2 laser cnc machine, for engraving and cutting different material, such as plywood, wood, acrylic, it’s made on arduino nano with GRBL, pretty much all of theponents ware bought on Aliexpress, CO2 laser tube, rail guides, power supplies e.t.c Hope to inspire you to make your own CNC!
List of allponents: https://docs.google/spreadsheets/d/1G97TPGJqfrukd-hc98s9SmOfJiKgtP3hWGVXlkDsLFA/edit#gid=0
Support me on Boosty (and get a 3d model of CNC for Fusion360): https://boosty.to/how_todo
More information in the instructables: https://instructables/id/DIY-40W-CO2-CNC-Laser/
Despite the fact that my English is almost perfect, maybe you could notice a small Eastern European accent, it’s because I’m Russian, and answering the question “why don’t you make videos in both languages?” I actually do, and my Russian channel is here – https://youtube/user/shhitov
(the videos are the same, so for English-speaking viewers it makes no sense to subscribe)
laser cutting machine
#DIY #40w #Co2 #laser #engravercutter #CNC #machine #arduino