Traditional metal hot working has flame, plasma and other cutting methods. As a modern cutting tool capable of fine cutting perfectly, metal laser cutting machine, optical fiber laser cutting machine and CO2 metal laser cutting machine, two kinds of laser technologies, began to fight fiercely. Many metal processing enterprises do not understand the difference between the two methods.
In fact, as a high-power metal laser cutting machine, the optical fiber laser cutting machine is faster than the CO2 metal laser cutting machine in cutting speed and quality, and the maintenance cost and operation cost are greatly reduced. Although the CO2 laser cutting machine with higher power can cut thicker plates, it can not stop the audience from favoring the optical fiber laser cutting machine.
First of all, the transmission modes of the two laser beams are different. Unlike CO2 (the medium that generates the laser beam), the fiber laser is not transmitted through the mirror, which makes the fiber laser technology have no range limitation between the mirrors. Similarly, compared with the gas cutting system with the same power, the system is more compact due to the bending ability of the optical fiber.
The electro-optical conversion efficiency of the optical fiber laser cutting machine is far higher than that of the CO2 metal laser cutting machine. Users can use the optical fiber laser cutting machine to achieve higher power efficiency, about 25% to 30%, which is three to five times the actual utilization rate of the CO2 cutting system of the laser cutting machine brand. The energy efficiency of fiber laser cutting machine is more than 90% higher than that of carbon dioxide cutting system.
In terms of maintenance, the high-power CO2 metal laser cutting machine needs regular maintenance, such as the calibration of the mirror and the maintenance of the resonator. The optical fiber laser cutting machine is maintenance free in the later stage.
Due to the short wavelength characteristics of the fiber laser cutting machine, some non-conductive metal materials, brass and copper are more likely to absorb the fiber laser beam. As the optical fiber laser beam is more concentrated and the light spot is smaller, the optical fiber laser cutter can cut thin plates and medium thick plates faster. When cutting materials up to 6mm thick, the cutting speed of 1.5kW optical fiber laser cutting system is equivalent to that of 3kW CO2 laser cutting system.
The CO2 gas laser system needs regular maintenance; The turbine needs maintenance and repair, the reflector needs maintenance and calibration, and the resonator needs regular cleaning to ensure the purity of carbon dioxide, which is expensive. For a carbon dioxide metal laser cutting machine with high power (above 1000w) of a laser cutting machine brand, these together need to invest at least 20000 dollars every year. On the other hand, the optical fiber laser cutting solutions produced by laser cutting machine brand manufacturers hardly need any maintenance.