The use of laser cutting machine has gradually replaced the traditional cutting process and become an irreplaceable existence in the processing and manufacturing industry. The laser cutting machine equipment not only needs to pay attention to the use method in use, but also needs to go to the correct maintenance equipment to ensure the normal use of the equipment and the extension of the use time.
Correct maintenance of laser cutting machine:
1. Fan cleaning: long-term use of the fan in the machine will accumulate a large amount of solid dust in the fan, making the fan produce a lot of noise, and is not conducive to exhaust and deodorization. When the suction of the fan is insufficient and the smoke is not smooth, the fan must be cleaned.
2. Replace the circulating water and clean the water tank: Before the machine works, make sure that the laser tube is full of circulating water. The quality and temperature of the circulating water directly affect the service life of the laser tube. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the circulating water and clean the water tank regularly. It is best to do this once a week.
3. Lens cleaning: There will be some mirrors and focus mirrors on the machine. The laser is reflected and focused by these lenses and then exits the laser head. The lens is easy to be stained with dust and other pollutants, resulting in laser wear or lens damage. Therefore, clean the lenses every day.
4. Precautions:
(1) Gently wipe the lens without damaging the surface coating;
(2) The wiping process shall be handled gently to prevent falling;
(3) When installing the focusing lens, make sure that the concave side is downward.
(4) Guide rail cleaning: the guide rail and linear axis are one of the core components of the equipment, whose function is to support the guide rail.
In order to ensure that the machine has higher processing accuracy, its guide rails and straight lines are required to have higher guidance accuracy and good motion stability. During the operation of the equipment, a large amount of corrosive dust and smoke will be generated during the processing of parts. The smoke and dust will deposit on the surface of the guide rail and linear shaft for a long time, which will greatly affect the processing accuracy of the equipment, and will form corrosion points on the linear shaft surface of the guide rail, thus shortening the service life of the equipment. Therefore, clean the machine rails every half month. Turn off the machine before cleaning. In recent years, the stability of laser cutting machine has a lot to do with several important parts. It is equipped with high-quality parts. It is naturally stable when used.