In this quick video guide I will show you how you can use your 3d printer as a laser engraver and I won’t cost you more that 40$. Most of 3d printers are just an upgraded version of a laser engraver so If you own a 3d printer you basically have a laserengraver without the laser. Enjoy the video!
► 500mW Laser: https://goo.gl/Upg5GQ
►1.6W Laser : https://goo.gl/Sbs6h9
►1W Laser: https://goo.gl/P55uD9
►2W Laser: https://goo.gl/Gxmb94
►2.5W Laser: https://goo.gl/fdQVty
►5.5W Laser: https://goo.gl/yDhTjZ
►10W Laser: https://goo.gl/R16QUg
►Inkscape : https://inkscape.org/en/
►Inkscape plugin: https://jtechphotonics.com/?page_id=2012
►Instructable: http://instructables.com/id/Convert-a-3D-PRINTER-to-LASER-ENGRAVER-Under-40/
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►Music: Adventures – A Himitsu (No Copyright Music) : https://youtube.com/watch?v=MkNeIUgNPQ8
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laser cutter for