Is it worthwhile replacing the Air Pump which was shipped with your Co2 Laser Machine, with an Air Compressor? Will it improve the results from your laser machine? Aren’t Air compressors extremely noisy, I don’t want all that noise in my workshop? To address that last question 1st, no not all air compressors are noisy, the one I used in this video is a silenced air compressor which a noise level of 60dB compared to that of other compressors the same size with noise ratings of around 97dB
In this video I will show one way to install and configure your Shop Air Compressor with your laser machine, and I will show a few before and after examples of a few cut results.
I use the Ultimate Air Assist installation on my laser machines, and I highly recommend this upgrade if you do not already have a similar system installed.
MW Laser Membership and Support – Now Available at https://buymeacoffee.com/mwlaser
CLOUDRAY LASER – Ultimate Air Assist Kit – https://amzn.to/2CSOqUu
I recommend a Silenced Air Compressor with a volume of 50L or more, the smaller units may be sufficient for low volume work.
There are some great compressors available, this one I purchased here in Australia from Sedy, However If you are outside Australia, other compressors that I have heard are very suitable are those from California Air Tools.
50L Air Compressor Oil Free Silenced Direct Motor – SEDY – (Link Removed – I Do Not Recommend The SEDY Unit – See Pinned Comment)
California Air Tools 8010A Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free Lightweight Air Compressor – https://amzn.to/2OKGEi5
California Air Tools 15020C Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free 2.0 Hp 15.0 gallon Steel Tank Air Compressor – https://amzn.to/3fQoMyc
California Air Tools 8010 Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free 1.0 hp Steel Tank Air Compressor, 8 gal, Silver – https://amzn.to/39cSknp
1 HP Quiet Portable Air Compressor, 120 PSI, 6 Gallon, HULK Silent Series, Model HP01P006SS by EMAX Compressor – https://amzn.to/2OJAvD6
Silenced Air Compressor 24 Liters Oil-Free 67dB 8Bar 600W 230V – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dVMoTbR
Oil-free Silent Air Compressor 50L Double Intake Mobile Air Compressor 220V – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_d6MxdH3
HULK (USA) HP01P006SS 1 HP 6 Gal. Silent Air Portable Compressor – http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5575520346&toolid=10001&campid=5338720957&customid=HULK&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Febay.com%2Fitm%2FHulk-HP01P006SS-1-HP-6-Gal-Silent-Air-Portable-Compressor-New%2F392648230428%3Fhash%3Ditem5b6ba8861c%3Ag%3AEOkAAOSwmHBeJ0uq
Next you will need a Flow regulator with a water trap. Water vapor is a by-product of compressing air, and the amount of vapor produced is dependent upon the environment, humidity and temperature your compressor is operating in.
1/4″ Air Compressor Filter Regulator Oil Water Pressure Moisture Trap Separator – https://amzn.to/3fOAc5w
1/4″ Compressed Air Pressure Regulator Compressor Moisture Trap Filter Oil Water Separator Filter for Oil Water Separator – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dZT7R1T
Male Stud Push In Fit Pneumatic Fittings for Air Hose – https://amzn.to/3eMgd6g
I use a NITO to 1/4 fitting and then use the following to connect the 6mm OD tubing.
NPT/NITTO fitting with 1/4″ Female thread – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AqtgJ9
– 1/4″ BSP Male Thread Straight Pneumatic Pipe Fitting OD 6mm https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9H6iDh
Air Compressor Hose Pneumatic Air Hose OD 6mm – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_APFDft
Air Pneumatic Straight Bulkhead Union – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9QZSJd
So now we have it all set up what air pressure is required? That all depends on what you are cutting, I have tested with various materials and the results for each vary. So for now I will show a few examples of 3mm (⅛ inch) plyboard.
It should be noted that I only used a 2” lens for this test, normally If you are cutting this thickness I’d recommend a 4” lens, I’ll discuss more about lens selection in a future video.
The LightBurn forum is a great resource for the Co2 Laser Machine users and LightBurn Software support, the web address is https://forum.lightburnsoftware.com/
Until Next time, take care
Cheers Matthew
Visit MW Laser https://mwlaser.com.au
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NOTE: This is not a paid production or advertisement. The featured products I purchased and installed on my own laser machine to allow me to provide viewers with this installation / how-to video
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#Co2 #Laser #AIR #COMPRESSOR #Upgrade #Setup #amp #Testing #Ultimate #Air #Assist