This week, we’re going to do an overview of the 3050 50w laser engraver I recently purchased. This machine is similar to the popular k40 laser cutter but has more features and a larger work area. This video will be the first in a series of videos I’m doing on co2 laser engravers. Future videos I’ll be covering everything from cooling your eBay laser engraver to what software to use on your laser engraver machine.
CO2 Laser Engraver Air Assist & Exhaust. Beginner Series Ep. 2: https://youtu.be/7lFx9JqlfLk
CO2 Laser Engraver Water Cooling & Laser Chillers. Beginner Series Ep. 3: https://youtu.be/1wFJv0WbK-c
CO2 Laser Software / K40 Whisperer & Inkscape / Beginner Series Ep. 4: https://youtu.be/BGKHNclY4NQ
CO2 Laser Alignment and How to Clean Laser Lens and Mirrors: https://youtu.be/T9p-1AZKCVg
CO2 Laser Alignment and How to Clean Laser Lens and Mirrors / Beginner Series Ep. 5: https://youtu.be/T9p-1AZKCVg
CO2 Laser Focus / Focusing Laser Lens – Laser Engraver Beginner Series Ep. 6: https://youtu.be/tPrY3bFdtIw
#CO2LaserEngraver #LaseredEngraver #LaseredEngraving
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laser cutter
#Chinese #CO2 #Laser #Engraver #50w #Laser #Cutter #Guide