Custom Laser Engraving a few Manikomios that will be stationed in Iraq for 1 year. #shorts #reels #krudoknives #whenwhatyoucarrymatters #manikomio #louiskrudodesigns UCA0avxLldEMvc63qC37WL5g laser engraved #Custom #Laser #Engraving
Custom Laser Engraving a few Manikomios that will be stationed in Iraq for 1 year. #shorts #reels #krudoknives #whenwhatyoucarrymatters #manikomio #louiskrudodesigns UCA0avxLldEMvc63qC37WL5g laser engraved #Custom #Laser #Engraving
Hey ,friends,In this quick instructable, I am gonna show you how to engrave real grayscale picture on wood with our laser engraving machine -D8-4050P ,500mW. I am by no means an expert and if you know of a better way, feel free to join us in the bachinmaker.bbs Step 1: Prepare Excellent Quality Photo Step […]
Are you still trying to decide whether to purchase a 60 watt or 80 watt C02 Laser Engraver? My name is Ryan with Rise and Grind Workshop and I have some tips and tricks to help you decide which laser engraver you should purchase from OMTECH. If you would like to check out their website, […]
Laser acrylic cutting UCtoXfF1DqawRsejXGpAAcfg laser cutting #acrylic #laser #cutting #machine #ಅಕರಲಕ #ಲಸರ #ಕತತರಸವ #ಯತರ
For decades manufacturing is manned mostly by men, globally. In India 🇮🇳 the story is no different. But amidst these, there are many women breaking the stereotypes and making a mark though their contributions. Machine Maker is forefront when ites to telling these stories which inspires many women to fall in love 🥰 with Machines. […]
In recent years, there have been newer, more advanced technologies that claim to treat post-acne scarring more effectively with less downtime. With the growing number of treatment modalities available in the market, it can get confusing to determine what is best to treat acne scars. In this video, we get Dr. Siew to tell us […]
Laser engraving for rubber Laser Tools & Technics Corp. http://lttcorp E-mail: infolttcorp UClBsIgPR8mNgohW3DIkg8gg laser engraving for #Laser #Engraving #Rubber
For Fathers Day this year, we wanted to give something to my dad that was made on the Full Spectrum Muse laser cutter. We used 1/4″ birch, some cool graphics, and some wood stain to make an awesome gift! == Support the Channel via Patreon! = http://3d.pn/patreon == Find Me Socially = Twitch: http://twitch.tv/joeltelling = […]
Mini fiber laser engraver size is very small, which is suit for home using. One set 50w fiber laser engraver not only can engrave or deep engraving on metal material but also can cut gold silver. Then one set 50w mini fiber laser engraver can make firearms and jewelry. The software operation is very friendly. […]
In this episode I make a modular board for my new favorite game, Dungeons and Dragons! I just started learning how to play a couple of months ago, and I like using a board and miniature characters whenever I can. After doing some research I designed my own modular system in Adobe Illustrator and cut […]