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The whole progress takes 38m09s It will be faster with more optimized designing. instantlxgmail.com UCN3EDBD5Z1WcNf8sT_Jjv_A laser cutter machine #Engrave #Mirror #China #laser #machine #china #laser #cutter
With some upgrades, the Chinese K40 40 watt laser cutter can be pretty sweet. In this video I give an overview of my laser cutter and show some mods that have made it work well for me. Please subscribe to my channel for more tips on creating your own Ultimate Makerspace. UCcfSihEYUjlCWInDQfEE1Tw laser cutter #K40 […]
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I got tired of having to pay dealership and locksmith prices just to have a simple key made. Was this option more expensive? Absolutely. Will it be cheaper in the long term? Possibly. Why pay for someone to do it, when you can make sure it is done right on your own time. I have […]