Review of AUFERO Laser Engraver and Cutter by Ortur.
“Best Portable Diode Laser Engraver and Laser Cutter.”
Use the coupon code (THEDOTISBLACK) to get 10% off on the Aufero Laser Engraver: https://auferolaser.net/products/aufero-laser-1-best-portable-diode-laser-engraver
This is a review of the plug and play AUFERO portable laser engraver and cutter by Ortur. It is a budget laser engraver/cutter. In this review, I show three laser modules, how to install them and address the difference between a long and short focus laser. The review shows many applications of the laser engraver, specifically engraving and laser cutting. The review also gives a short introduction to the Lightburn software that was used tomunicate with the laser engraver.
Laser engravers and laser cutters are very useful for art, design and architecture.
For more, please visit the playlist “Drawing Machine | Pen Plotter”: https://youtube/playlist?list=PLbLdd1fdNg5yV46dFRn6YfPyczZWiec9-
Laser Cutter Focus – Measuring Focal Point and Depth of Cut by Makestuffnow: https://youtu.be/Eg6THrEdleo
0:00 Introduction
0:27 Product view on the Auferolaser.net website
2:40 Unboxing and contents
4:13 Diode laser modules and definition of focal length
7:58 USB, Power and Legs
8:30 Set up your working area
8:54 Software installation for laser engraving and cutting
11:01 Installing the laser modules
12:50 LU2-4-LF with air assist noozle
14:18 Testing: Engraving an apple
17:03 Testing: Laser cutting of a generative grid
20:24 Other examples
21:20 Conclusion
23:20 Rmendation
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laser engraver
#AUFERO #Laser #Engraver #Cutter #Ortur #Review #PlugampPlay #Creative #Coding