It is very important to select the cutting speed of the laser cutting machine. Users should adjust the cutting speed of the laser cutting machine to achieve the best cutting parameters to achieve better cutting effects. Otherwise, the cutting speed set by the laser cutter will affect the cutting quality of materials.
1、 The cutting speed of laser cutting machine is too fast
When the cutting speed of the laser cutting machine far exceeds the optimal cutting speed, spark spray will appear, which will lead to oblique lines on the cutting surface of the material, and the entire section of the material will be rough.
2、 The cutting speed of laser cutting machine is too slow
When the cutting speed selected by the laser cutting machine is far lower than the optimal cutting speed, the material will have rough cutting surface and cutting seam width.
Therefore, in order to provide the best cutting effect for the laser cutting machine, attention must be paid to the selection of cutting speed. Users can judge whether the cutting speed of the equipment is appropriate by cutting sparks.
1. When the spark shows up and down diffusion, that is, the current setting of cutting speed is reasonable;
2. When the spark inclines backward, that is, the current setting of cutting speed is too fast;
3. When the spark displays non diffusion and less sparks, the current cutting speed is set too slowly.