Optical filter refers to coating one or more layers of dielectric films or metal films on optical elements or independent substrates to change the characteristics of light wave transmission. Using the characteristic changes of light wave in the transmission of these films, such as transmission, absorption, scattering, reflection, polarization, phase change, etc., to design and manufacture various optical filter products to achieve scientific and engineering applications.
Optical filter is an important optical device with a wide variety of products. It is widely used in imaging, recognition, sensing and other aspects, such as digital camera cameras, surveillance cameras, biometrics (including fingerprint, face, iris, gesture recognition, etc.), proximity sensing, smart phones and other fields. China is a large country in the production of electronic products. The degree of automobile electronization is constantly improving, and the speed of smart city construction is constantly accelerating. Many factors together promote the rapid growth of China’s filter demand.
All optical elements are precision instruments, especially optical filters, whose surfaces are easily scratched. Improper cleaning and storage methods may damage the facial mask layer on the filter surface, reduce its application performance and shorten its service life.
Difference between traditional cutting method and precision laser cutting and advantages of laser cutting filter
As a non-contact processing method, laser has been applied in more and more fields
Although the traditional processing method is very mature at present, there are many problems, such as surface scratch, low substrate utilization, large processing loss, and complex process. Laser cutting can achieve non-contact processing without damaging the film surface, with high precision, fast speed, narrow cutting seam, small heat affected zone, smooth cutting surface without burrs, good processing flexibility, and can process arbitrary shapes. The coating surface does not need to be painted during processing; Fast cutting speed; The substrate utilization rate is improved.