The good folks at LaserPecker sent me their LaserPecker2 package to see if it would work for engraving bowls and other turnings. Does it EVER! It not only works very well, it’s totally fun and makes the creative juices flow! I’m afraid most of my time from here on out will be spent engraving my name everywhere I go!
I did not receive payment for this demonstration and there was no input from anyone but myself.
See them and get yours, here:
Official Website: sourl.cn/dYdaLD
Amazon for the US:amazon/dp/B09TQXYLZX
Amazon for UK:amazon.co.uk/dp/B09QYFQRQG
#Laserpecker2, #Laserpecker, #Laserengraving,
laser engraver for
#Laser #Engraver #Wood #Turning #Fun