This video is a follow-up to a video I did a few months ago, describing how a Borax (or Baking Soda) solution can be used to greatly improve image engraving on light plywoods such as baltic birch or basswood. Many people have asked about using this technique other materials, so I decided to create a sequel video to test Borax on a number of other types of materials to answer all of those question viewers of the channel have asked. For example, can you use Borax to improve engraving on slate or cork? Let’s do some investigation and find out.
►►►► Amazon Affiliate Links for Items Discussed (I may earnmissions for purchases through these links)
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8x12x20 in.: amzn.to/3oIOs5h
Cork Coasters (Round): amzn.to/2TeN7aK
Cork Coasters (Square): amzn.to/3wvdc3x
Leather Vegetable-tanned: amzn.to/3yDUOaq
Slate Coasters (Square): amzn.to/3wxa3QG
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• Get your materials fast with Amazon Prime free for 30 days ➭ amzn.to/3xhXn0Q
• Save $125 off a Muse 3D or other FSL laser with the discount code ➭ “SteveMakesEverything”
• Save 20% on a Fusion 360 Subscription using this link ➭ http://aklam.io/vSGfpA (or stevemakeseverythinggmail for a code)
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• my business site ➭ slicedpi.design
• my etsy store ➭ etsy/ca/shop/SlicedPiDesign
• ➭ stevemakeseverythinggmail (business inquiries)
0:00 Introduction
1:30 Test Materials
2:25 Laser setup
3:11 Engraving
4:21 Test Results
7:38 Some Additional Tips
FTC Legal Disclaimer – Some links found in the description box of my videos may be affiliate links, meaning I will makemission on sales you make through my link. This is at no extra cost to you to use my links/codes, it’s just one more way to support me and my channel.
Laser/Vinyl Cutters
Full Spectrum Laser Muse 3D
Circuit Maker 3: amzn.to/3hEsjC5
3D Printers
Sliced-Pi ]|[ CoreXY (self-designed)
Sliced-Pi ][ CoreXY – self-designed
Prusa I3Mk3 with MMU 2
Creality CR-10 (massively upgraded)
Creality Ender 3 V2 (New!) amzn.to/34wuUeg
AnyCubic Photon S SLA Resin Printer amzn.to/3wtSVvo
CNC Router
OneFinity Woodworker. onefinitycnc
Genmitsu 3018 Pro amzn.to/3vgAeLb
DaVinci Resolve 17 blackmagicdesign
Autocad Fusion 360 autodesk/products/fusion-360/overview
Inkscape inkscape.org
Gimp gimp.org
All Music and Sound Effects provided under license from AudioHero audiohero
#stevemakeseverything #laserengraver #laserengraving #laserengravingmachine #laserbusiness #lasercutting #laserprojects #fullspectrumlaser #muse3d
laser engraving
#Borax #Laser #Engraving #Revisited