We talk fonts and graphics with Jimmy and Patrick, good times!
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Laser Everything
320 N Washington Street
Suite # 104
Rochester, NY 14625
Catching up with Patrick and Jimmy today on what’s going on in their shops. Patrick is getting his products placed in MORE local stores, Jimmy is ramping up production with his new CO2 laser and experimenting with photos on acrylic. We also cover one of my favorite places to download and organize font packs as well as vector designs. All of that and more on todays episode of Laser Source!
WARNING: Do your own research before purchasing your machine. I have done extensive research before making my purchases and spoken at length with the manufacturers before placing my order to be absolutely sure what I was getting could be imported, would work with my electrical setup and performed the tasks I wanted to perform.
A NOTE: Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future. Settings used in my videos are for machines of my design and wattage, mileage may vary depending on your machine. Always test your settings on your laser before working on items in a professional capacity.
#laserengraving #co2laser #fiberlaser
Laser Everything
#Source #Fonts #Graphics #Laser #Engraving