https://honorto.com/fiber-laser-marking-machine-supplier/ 1, What is fiber laser marking machine? Fiber laser marking … UC46ZyJc9wWlYnBqqychDWbA laser engraver for #laser #engraver #metalfiber #laser #marking #machine #laser #engraving #machine
https://honorto.com/fiber-laser-marking-machine-supplier/ 1, What is fiber laser marking machine? Fiber laser marking … UC46ZyJc9wWlYnBqqychDWbA laser engraver for #laser #engraver #metalfiber #laser #marking #machine #laser #engraving #machine
Laser etching is a non-contact technology used to identify or etch high-quality one-dimensional or two-dimensional code, multiline text, batch number, batch number, logo, traceability code and other necessary information on various types of products and packaging for identification. The laser identification etching process can accurately change the target material area on the packaging or product […]
The optical fiber laser marking machine series is designed to meet the needs of manufacturers using hard and high-density materials. The technology used by fiber laser marking machine shows a very bright future in the field of laser marking. Compared with other types of laser marking machines, their pulse duration is shorter, which can significantly […]
Optical fiber laser cutting machine, because the beam replaces the traditional mechanical knife, the mechanical part of the laser cutter head has no contact with the work, and will not scratch the working surface during the work; The laser cutting speed is fast, the cut is smooth and flat, and generally no subsequent processing is […]
How to improve the efficiency of optical fiber laser marking machine in marking? When setting parameters, accurate cooperation is required to make laser marking more perfect. What factors will affect the efficiency of our fiber laser marking machine? 1. Marking depth of optical fiber laser marking machine. If the surface marking depth is slightly larger, […]
With the development of the processing and manufacturing market, the demand for optical fiber laser cutting machines has also increased, and various laser cutting machine manufacturers have emerged in an endless stream, and the prices of laser cutting machines are also different from each other. The brand of optical fiber laser cutting machines has exploded, […]
Ortur Laser Master 3 My venture into using a Laser engraver. Thank you Ortur for providing the Laser Master 3 for me to try out … UC1-1pXVIRcKm-DUc-Ak2XyA laser cutter for #world39s #laser #engraver #blackwhite #engraving #speed #reach #20000mmmin