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Check out our other socials for more content: https://linktr.ee/SATXlaser UCR5Ka5uep6ERpnpUfD5ou5w laser engraving #Laser #engraving #barrel #trainees
3D laser marker has introduced as additional printing method of the customization services. It is the best way to print on uneven shapes such as recessed, angled, curbed. Laser marking is a process to mark on object surfaces using a laser beam by engraving or oxidizing. The marking is very durable and a big advantage […]
Learn how to adjust and align your red light pointer for your galvo laser! ►Instant access to all my settings, parameters, exclusive livestreams and MORE: https://masters.lasereverything.net/ ►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/lasereverything ►Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/lasereverything ►2022 Buying Guide: https://lasereverything.net/buyingguide ►Merch: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/lasereverything/ Lens Distortion Correction Video: https://youtu.be/llflAf0G62Q Inexpensive Test Cards (High Quality): https://amzn.to/3w2dsKc Here’s some lasers I recommend right […]
This is a working video of 1000W fiber laser cutting machine with tube cutter when cutting 1mm stainless steel round tube. If you’re interested or have demands, please contact: Name: Lydia WhatsApp: +86 18853421615 Email: export04jncahngtai.net Alibaba account: cn1528728829ngcd #laser#fiberlasercuttingmachine#lasercuttubes#stainlesssteel #fiberlasercuttingmachinery#laserequipment#cutmetal#cutsheets #cutplates#cuttubes#cutaluminum#cutpipes Fiber laser cutting machine is a high-quality, high-speed, high-precision, and high-efficiency CNC laser metal cutting equipment. […]
The Ortur Laser Master 3 laser cutter and engraver has a 10W diode laser that Ortur claims can engrave at speeds of up to an impressive 20,000 mm/min and cut wood up to 19mm thick: https://s.zbanx.com/r/JzRCwNm3nsoQ use code J60 for $60 off. It has WiFi built in and an accompanying very capable smartphone app that […]
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Genial: TwoTrees Laser Engraver TTS-25/TTS-55 WiFi Dieser Laser besticht durch seinen Preis und seine dennoch sehr üppig bestückte Ausstattung. Was er alles drauf hat, erfährst du im Video. *Hier kannst du dir den Laser bestellen: https://bit.ly/3IBSZQT *Hier findest du die Metallvisitenkarten: https://amzn.to/3MLEtHC *Hier findest du eine Brille: https://amzn.to/3OVJBt9 Hier das Video zu meiner Absauglösung: Was […]
File. https://hacklab.design/shop-files/storage-raautomotive-modular-panel-file Subscribe and Smile Please – http://bit.ly/2HsmI20 Glowforge Discount Link (My Dream Laser Cutter) -http://glowforge.com/hacklab Check back every week for a New Ten Things Thursday! Here’s My List for Laser Cutting Money Making Products Side Hustle Laser Products Vehicle Storage Racks Vehicle Grilles License Plates Custom Hitch Covers Engraved Switch Covers Car Key Chains […]
Testing cut, observe cutting section to judge if the focus point is too big or small. Slag (too big), Grain (to small). Turn on the focal point control panel before cutting head to do manual focal point adjust. When focal point data is 0, turn the focusing wheel to the left, then do cutting test. […]