Daily Archives: 13/08/2022

Laser Cutter Focus – Measuring Focal Point and Depth of Cut,makestuffnow!

Update: Install lens with curved side up! I get confused and say it wrong in the video. To get a good cut or engraving you need to know where you laser is focusing correctly. Here is a method to check the true focal point of your laser head and determine the potential depth of cut. […]

Brand New Sculpfun S10 Laser Engraver Will Cut Anything You Throw at It! (Review and Test),JT Makes It

Sculpfun has produced another beast of an laser engraver! It is suitable for hobby and even for professional work as it is capable enough to run a small business with it! In this review I’ll go over all those features in detail so you can decide whether or not to invest in one for yourself! […]

This Is A Total Game Changer… NEJE MAX A40640 Laser Engraver,Generic Woodworking

Get the laser here (referral link): Update: I was unable to make the plans for the pencil box and lock available on my Patreon Other sources: wooden rubber band gun: failed cardboard rubber band gun: rubber band pistol: laser cut box (original creator): Music used: Night Run Away by An Jone Randy Butternubs by Dyalla […]

Affordable GOLD SILVER Jewelry Laser Cutting Engraving Marking Machine | Jewellery Cutter Engraver,BOGONG MACHINERY

BOGONG MACHINERY produce and sell GOLD SILVER BRASS Jewelry Laser Cutting Engraving Marking Machine, this laser machine also named Jewellery Laser Cutter If you want to get one Jewelry Laser machine or u need more information about BOGONG laser engraver, please email us to [email protected]. For quickly response, online chat way is available by Whatsapp: […]

Laser cutter and engraver for building my RC model airplanes,Joyplanes RC

No more ads on my videos if you watch them from Lbry Finally, a laser cutter and engraver that I can use to cut the balsa wood and plywood pieces to build my RC airplanes, perfect cuts every time! 【 You can buy the machine here: 】 ☛ 10% off coupon: BGF1003863 ☛ expiry date: […]

TWO TREES TTS-55 – 5.5 Watt Diode Laser Engraver,Tripods Garage

#laserengraver #TwoTrees #PCBWay Discount code coming – PCBWay: This is Two Trees 5.5 Watt 300x300mm Laser Engraver. It more compact than other laser engravers on the market. Lets see how it performs! Product description from Two Trees – TTS-55 is powerful laser engraving machine for DIY enthusiasts with some major improvements compared with other standard […]

Thunder laser engraving tips Engraving DPI,Thunder Laser

DPI is a very important parameter for the engraving of images,. Too low a DPI can lead to a loss of detail in the picture resulting in a picture that looks a little mutilated. But at the same time, too high a DPI will also lead to more repeated engraving parts resulting in less efficient […]

Laser Cutting Acrylic at Home,Tech2C

Attempting to cut 3mm Acrylic in various colours with the HyperCube 3D Printer/CNC. Moved the HyperCube outside for this… If you would like to help support the creation of these videos, then head on over to the Tech2C Patreon page: ► ________________________________________________________ A very special thank you to Patrons: Zak Gurney Chalmers ________________________________________________________ 2.5w Laser […]

K40 Chinese Laser Cutter & Engraver – Unboxing and Getting Started – First Cut,Indoor Technology

On this video I’m doing my best to be short and still give all the information needed in order to power on the chinese laser for the first time in a safely manner. Best info on why you need to wear extra eye protection: Thank you, @Mancave Effects for this extraordinary video K40 Laser: Co2 […]

Runmecy Most Compact Laser Engraver Laser Cutter Review,alishanmao

Meet Runmecy, The Most Compact Laser Engraver & Cutter. Enjoy endless versatility and creativity on any surface included the metal with a powerful 5w laser. Laser Engaver: 5.5W DIY Laser Engraver Cutter: The Runmecy is a laser engraver and cutter that bundles more power, speed, and safety into a sleek and compact design than any […]

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